Saturday, December 15, 2018

Today’s Christmas Message


It is reasonable to believe that Jesus began His public ministry in the fall of the year, around the end of September or the first part of October, when He turned 30 years of age. At that time He went to be baptized by John in the Jordan River near Jericho.

After water baptism, Jesus immediately entered the wilderness of Judea which stretches from the Dead Sea near Jericho all the way south and westward across the barren foothills and desert lands to Jerusalem. Jesus was in the desert, fasting and praying for 40 days. After that time, Jesus was tempted by the devil and defeated every temptation with the Word of God. These 40 days plus the temptation period would have likely occurred in the months of October and November, making it early in December when Jesus returned to Nazareth and to His mother’s home.

His first Sabbath at home, probably early in December, Jesus entered into the synagogue at Nazareth where He was raised, and was asked to read from the scriptures. He found the passage in Isaiah 61 and read:

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”

Then Jesus closed the book and sat down, and all eyes were on Him and He said, “Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.”

Those who heard Him were immediately filled with anger and rage. They laid hands on Jesus and forced Him out of the synagogue and brought Him to the edge of the hill so that they might throw Him off the cliff. However, Jesus, passing through the midst of them, left the city and walked a day’s distance to the town of Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee.

The following Sabbath, and for two or three weeks after, Jesus attended and taught in the synagogue which was in Capernaum. (Luke 4) It was during these days, perhaps near the end of December, Jesus began calling His first disciples. It’s here we pick up with today’s Christmas message.

The Gospel of John takes us back to the very beginning. John records Jesus calling His first disciple with the words:

Come and See

John 1 NKJV
Bear in mind, the lessons taught to us by Jesus in this account are fundamental to the spread of our Christian faith. Christianity is never more complex than the simple steps we find in this passage.

35  Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples.
36  And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!”

Note here, John the Baptist used his influence to point his friends to Jesus.

37 ¶  The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.

Notice that John’s friends were intrigued by his testimony and they decided they would investigate Jesus for themselves. People will still do this …

38  Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “What do you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “where are You staying?”

It is evident Jesus took note of their interest in Him. It’s the same truth taught by the account of the prodigal son. If a person turns towards home, God is always welcoming, encouraging and willing to listen.

39  He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour).

Jesus shows us what most people need … Most people only need an invitation to “come and see.” Come and see for yourselves …

And, once a person sees the real Jesus and realizes that they are really welcomed and accepted by Him … it’s hard for them to leave.

40  One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
41  He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ).

It is evident Andrew and Peter were more than mere biological brothers. They were friends and even chose to work alongside one another as fisherman. When Andrew found Christ, he went immediately to tell Peter what he had found. I imagine Andrew told Peter about the whole day.

42  And he brought him to Jesus.

The greatest opportunity anyone can give another person is to tell them where they can find Christ. Everyone is looking for Jesus …

·        You can influence others to come and see.
·        Simply tell someone what you found when you found Jesus.
·        It can begin with your family and spread to your friends, new acquaintances, and even to others you’ve never met in person.

We begin our walk with Christ as Believers in Him.
        We continue our walk with Christ as Followers of Him.
                We fulfill our walk with Christ as Witnesses for Him.

This is the Christmas Message for today …

Can you think of someone who would benefit from being in a Church service like this? Someone who may have lost their way, or someone unchurched, unhappy, or just in need of some answers in life? I’m going to challenge you today:

Don’t say no to Jesus for someone else. How could we ever do that? We say no for them when we decide that they would only say no if we ask them, and so we don’t ask. At least let them say no for themselves. However, most people won’t say no, most people will say yes … just like Andrew and Peter and Phillip and Nathaniel did in John chapter 1. All they needed was somebody to ask them to come and see.

Invite someone to Church in this special Christmas season. Tell them that you’ve found Christ and simply invite them to Come and see!

Sitting in the midst of the welcoming and loving Spirit of the Lord that’s in our Church and hearing the Word of God preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit will be exactly what they need to go back to their homes and invite their family and friends to “come and see”!