Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Common Inclusion


This evening we will continue our study of the Book of Acts with Acts, chapter 11. As you may remember from last week:
·        A high-ranking Roman military commander named Cornelius who was stationed in the city of Caesarea, an important port on the Mediterranean coast of western Israel, received an angelic visitation.
·        Cornelius was instructed by the angel to send men to Joppa to summon Peter to come to his home and tell him how he and his household could be saved.
·        Seeing it was against the Jewish law for Peter to enter into the house of a Gentile and lodge or eat with him, God needed to prepare Peter to go with the men Cornelius was sending.

Acts 10:20  “Arise therefore, go down and go with them, doubting nothing; for I have sent them.”

·        God gave Peter a vision and spoke directly to him from out of heaven and ordered him to go with them without any doubting.
o   The word “doubt”, in this passage, is translated from the Greek word, “diakrino” means:
§  To hesitate
§  To discriminate
§  To pre-judge; prejudice
§  To oppose
§  To separate
§  To contend
§  To be hostile towards
§  To desert
§  To strive with
§  To withdraw from
o   God said, “Peter you go with them, doubting nothing …
·        Peter arrived at Cornelius’ home where Cornelius had gathered his family and friends and entered without doubting.
·        Peter began his sermon, (Acts 10:34 & 35), by saying he had come to realize that God was “no respecter of persons”, that he did not show partiality or favoritism, but in every nation,  God accepts those:
o   Who fear Him
o   Who do what is right
·        While Peter was preaching, it was not his best sermon by the way … you can read it …
·        But when Peter got to the punch line, the meat of the message, the point of the sermon saying, “Everyone who believed in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through His name.”
·        God interrupted the meeting and poured His Holy Spirit out on Cornelius and everyone listening to Peter. They began to:
o   Speak in tongues
o   Praise God
·        Peter baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ then Peter and the six Jewish Believers who came with Peter from Joppa stayed with them for several days.

Well, it didn’t take long for the news to travel to Jerusalem.

Acts 11 NLT
1 ¶  Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God.
2  But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticized him.
3  “You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them!” they said.

It’s sad, but true to human nature, that people are often more aggressive and therefore more engaged in things they don’t like rather than in the things they do like. The Apostles and the Believers in the Church at Jerusalem were displeased to hear about what had happened in Caesarea.

They were focused on adherence to a system they had adopted from the beliefs they had brought into the Church with them from their lives before Christ.
·        Exclusion from salvation is a doctrine that only exists in the minds of men who have set themselves up to judge the souls of others.
·        Everything in the Gospel message of Christ cries inclusion.

When we are called upon, or allowed the privilege, or seize some moment to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to one or to many, it is between God and those who hear as to whether they are:
1.   Informed
2.   Reformed
3.   Transformed

Don’t hesitate, discriminate, pre-judge, separate, contend, be hostile towards, desert or withdraw from those who must hear the Good News in order to be saved. The blood of Jesus is available to every person. God is not afraid of nor does He hate sinners. In fact, the opposite is true. God loves every person from every nation, tribe, kindred, tongue, culture, custom and condition of life … especially the poor, the needy, the widow, the orphan, and the chief sinners in every city.

Tell them all that God loves them right where they are, just like they are, and if they will believe in Jesus, they will receive forgiveness of sins in His name. Help God reach them all and teach as many as will listen how to fully follow Christ and please Him above else.

I LOVE THE CHURCH!!! The Church of the living God is wonderful and forgiving and grace-filled and loving and kind. When Peter told them how God baptized the Gentiles in Caesarea with the Holy Spirit just like He did to all of the Apostles in the upper room on the day of Pentecost …

Acts 10:18  When the others heard this, they stopped objecting and began praising God. They said, “We can see that God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of repenting of their sins and receiving eternal life.”

I believe that Acts 11 teaches us that anytime anyone gets a chance to witness to sinners and someone comes to Christ, let’s make sure we:
1.   Don’t doubt their salvation
2.   Not object to their inclusion
3.   Praise God for their transformation