Saturday, March 16, 2019

Your Greatest Day


Micah 6:8  He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God.

Three Truths for Today
1.   You were born with a purpose.
2.   You may not know what it is.
3.   God wants you to discover your purpose and pursue your destiny.

Based on these three truths there remains but one question:
Question: How can I know God’s will for my life?

Imagine you are 33 years old and you have 33 days to live and you know it. That’s where Jesus was on this day in history, 5 weeks before Passover, near 2000 years ago, (1992 years by my calculations).

Passover was the yearly feast instituted by God and given to the Children of Israel through Moses. God wanted the world to remember how He delivered His Children from death through the blood of a Lamb. There were like 1500 dress rehearsals before Jesus’ final performance in Jerusalem.

Now imagine that you are 33, and that you have 33 years; 33 weeks; or 33 minutes to live, and you don’t know it? You won’t be on this stage forever.
·        What are the chances that you will accomplish the purpose for which you were born?
·        Do you know your purpose?
·        Will your life count?
·        Will you make a difference to anyone else?
·        Are you even paying attention?
·        What part are you playing in God’s eternal plan?
·        Will you be successful?
·        You have but this one chance to find and complete your purpose – this one chance is called your life on earth …

How can you know God’s will for your life?

1.  Do justly
a.   A commitment to do what is right.
b.   Perform the judgements of the Lord.
c.   Accept what God says is right and wrong.
d.   Allow God to be right, and true, and just in your eyes.
2.  Love mercy
a.   Perform all the acts and duties required by
                                         i.    Mercy
                                        ii.    Kindness
                                      iii.    Benevolence
                                      iv.    Charity
b.   Love to love others …
3.  Walk humbly with your God
a.   Own and show your dependence on Him.
                                         i.    Acknowledge your iniquity
                                        ii.    Submit to His salvation
b.   Give glory to God for every blessing.

The Bible teaches these simple steps which lead us all to discover our purpose and to pursue our destiny. In order to accomplish God’s will:

1.   You must be Born-Again. (John 3:7)
2.   You must be faithful. (1 Corinthians 4:2)
a.   On your Job (Luke 12:42)
b.   With your Family (1 Timothy 5:8)
c.   To your Church (1 timothy 3:15)
3.   You must be willing to let others see Christ in you. (Matthew 5:16)

Passover is soon approaching … 33 days left before we celebrate Good Friday and the anniversary of the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. I want to encourage you to take these 33 days between now and Good Friday, should the Lord grant each one of us this much time, and work on these things. You have a great purpose given to you by God. Discover the joys of living a life that is pleasing to God … a life in the center of His will.

Make your commitment with me right now in prayer to:
1.   Do what is right in God’s eyes
2.   Perform all the duties required by love
3.   Own up to and show others that you trust and depend on God

By taking anyone of these steps you will begin to discover your purpose and be well on your way to your greatest day.