Wednesday, January 16, 2002

A Study Of The Miraculous - Part II

A Study Of The Miraculous – Part II


3 Then he said, Go,

* Two thirds of God is Go! Human action is most often a required element preceding divine intervention. What would have been the outcome for Namaan if he had not have went and dipped seven times in the Jordan River? (2 Kings 5) What would have been the end of the story of Noah had not have built the ark, (Genesis 7), or Moses had not have gone down into Egypt, (Exodus 3) or if the widow of 1 Kings 17 had not have made the prophet Elijah a little meal cake first?

* One’s refusal to do their simple part is often the single downfall of God’s great plan for mankind. Go, here, is not a suggestion nor an option, but a command. When speaking with the lawyer of Luke 10:25, Jesus concludes the parable of the good Samaritan and solves the question of who is neighbor in verse 37 by saying, “Go and do thou likewise.” Go and do are two cornerstones of the Christian’s gospel responsibility whether they are seeking salvation for themselves or others.

borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours,

* Sometimes when one does not possess what they need to get them from where they are to where they are going, borrowing is God’s provision for the interim. Deuteronomy 15:6 & 28:12 give us to understand that God’s aim is to bring us to the place where we will not need to borrow but shall be the lenders. In Exodus 3:22 & 11:2 the Israelites were instructed by God to go and borrow silver, gold, jewels and clothing from the Egyptians before leaving Egypt and thus spoil their captors. These borrowed riches of the sinners would later be used to make the instruments of worship for the wilderness tabernacle.

* God is not against borrowing.

* Borrow with a plan and plan not always to have to borrow.

* Borrowing is also a test of humility. Will one obey God when they must first humble themselves in the sight of others. Will one admit that they need and then ask for that need to be contributed to? The humility of simply asking for help is and has always been one tenant of receiving the miraculous.

* Most often in the bible we see God requiring people to participate in their miracle. God even demands people participate in their miracle and deliverance. There is also an element of merging the natural with the supernatural to make a miracle. In 1 Kings 17 Elijah’s miracle comes from both the natural brook and the supernatural supply of raven’s food. When the brook dries up Elijah is not sustained only on the supernatural for God could have made water to flow from a rock or a jawbone of a donkey as He did for others in their hour of need. (Exodus 17; Numbers 20; Judges 15). Elijah was instructed to proceed to his next miracle location which would require a natural supply from a widow’s meal bin and the local drought proof well and the supernatural supply from God’s increasing hand.

* Where God is unable to motivate people to supply what they can and give what they have, He often does not perform miracles. This is also true where the only ingredient required from the lost and hurting is trust in God’s goodness and power. (Matthew 13:58 & Mark 6:5)

even empty vessels;

* My brother once told me that the hardest position to fill is one with someone in it. I think this true as well as its application to miracles. Perhaps many are not spiritually filled because they have not yet emptied themselves of the non-spiritual filling from the world. I am not talking about stuff. You can have stuff and stuff not have you. This was the barrier to the young rich ruler in Matthew 19:21 and Mark 10:21. Again I quote from my brother’s wisdom: Jesus did not say give up as the man heard, Jesus said give to.” The young rich ruler went away sad because his stuff had him and that’s what Jesus was concerned about. Jesus wanted the man to give the riches of his house in which he trusted to Him. It would have blessed the poor, met many needs but those things were incidental to the main purpose. This man would have emptied himself in such capacity that he would have been filled from heaven with true riches that would never fade, be stolen or corrupted. There is such potential in empty vessels.

* Full vessels are at their greatest day.

* For over two decades this concept of seeking empty vessels and lifting them to God to fill has been at the forefront of my church growth and kingdom expansion philosophy. Like Kendal Bevil, an elder in our church, once shared with me, even chickens die off to the size of the coup. When what we are pouring into is not filled yet, there is a freedom to expect more to come from God. When all we have is satisfied then there is no greater expectancy.

borrow not a few.

* Now this is certainly where many people can really limit themselves and the hand of God willing to move for them. The prophet knew that he should direct her to get a big vision of supply. A vision that would more than meet her immediate need. A vision that would supply her and her family for many days to come so that she would not fall prey to needing another miracle for her daily bread.

* If you are going to go for a miracle anyway, what is the use of wasting all that God can and will do on just barely meeting your desperate temporary need. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you could think or ask according to what is working on the inside of you. (Ephesians 3:20)

* Your required ingredients for a miracle include:

> trust in His goodness and willingness

> emptying yourself before Him

> humility to see your need and ask Him for help

> you may as well ask big … bigger than you may actually need right now.

* Don’t limit God.

> Psalms 78:41 … they limited the Holy One of Israel

> 2 Kings 13:18-19 King Joash limited his future miraculous victories by his own limited actions. Elisha was angry with him for not getting more.

> About 6 years ago I was praying about the church purchasing a van and I took a drive to get away and pray. As I sat at a red light on Twin City Highway I began praying in the spirit. I was agonizing over the expenditure of these resources. The need was evident and growing but I was wanting assurance from the Lord that He would provide. I knew and operated under the principle that under normal circumstances God only pays for what He orders. I was not looking for a miracle I was looking for the divine guidance we need to order our normal daily lives in respect to need verses income. I really wanted to be wise. At that red light God’s voice invaded my moment and I heard Him clearly speak louder than my thoughts interrupting my thinking and praying. He simply said, “When it is all over and done with, I would have been willing to give you more than you will get … (there was a pause for a second and then He said) … go for it.” This gave me a whole new point to consider when considering kingdom matters that may stretch me beyond my current means and even often into the realm of the miraculous.

* Don’t Limit God

> John 10:10 Jesus came to give you abundant life

> 2 Peter 1:3 and all things that pertain to life and Godliness

> 2Peter 1:4 … exceeding great and precious promises