Key Scriptures are taken today from the Book of the Prophets, specifically the
Prophet Micah.
Micah 6
6 With what shall I come
before the LORD, And bow myself before the High God? Shall I come before
Him with burnt offerings, With calves a year old?
7 Will the LORD be pleased
with thousands of rams, Ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for
my transgression, The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
Key Scripture: Micah 6:8 He has shown
you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to
do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?
have come a long way together, studied the Word of God and discovered truths
and principles which every Believer should know from God’s Holy Word. Now we
are quickly drawing to the close of these Life Shape lessons and it behooves us
to draw some conclusions from our many weeks of study.
hearing the Word of God and the doctrines of Christ are not enough to transform
us into the people God wants and needs us to be. Rather we must harness
ourselves to believe, embrace and live the Word of God. People around us need
to see those who claim to know Jesus living the life of a Believer in the face
of the daily challenges which come to everyone. The world hates a hypocrite but
they use every means available to them to tempt the Christian in efforts to
make them compromise.
have found 5 principles of life that seem to endure. If we will remember these
things we will be encouraged to stay on the right track. Life is still a choice
and failure is forgivable however, it is better to live victorious over
temptations of life instead of recovering from them. So, keep these things in
mind while you continue on your journey. They are not law but they are tried
and true principles of life.
What we say will be said.
What we do will be known.
What we believe will be tested.
What we compromise to keep we will lose.
The journey is our friend.
is the journey that prepares us for destiny. At each juncture in life we are
offered the opportunity to turn towards God. In every high moment and in every
low moment we find a pathway that will keep us walking in the direction of God’s
will. There is no temptation, test, trial or tribulation we face in life
without God being right there with us, speaking to us, comforting us and
offering us guidance. God sees our potential and shines His light on our way.
He will never leave us nor will He ever forsake us.
during these LifeShape lessons, we have discovered how:
created us and everything we needed from things which did not previously exist.
devil subtly tempted Eve and made her believe it was ok to disobey God’s Word
and do her own thing.
separates man from man; separates man from God’s temporal blessings; and
separates man from his eternal purpose.
forgiveness requires a perfect sacrifice.
so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son and whoever believes on Him
shall never perish but have eternal life.
are saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God
not of works lest any man should boast.
only demands we believe and receive.
we accept and receive Jesus, God accepts and receives us.
children are granted access to Him through prayer.
Holy Spirit lives in Born Again Believers with power to be a witness.
places every person in a Church family according to His need and will.
Christian is expected and encouraged to grow up and take on a personal
responsibilities for the health and growth of the Church.
Church is responsible to accomplish the Great Commission through world
evangelism and continued discipleship.
same Jesus who ascended will come again and receive the Church unto Himself to
be with Him forever.
great 7 year tribulation period will come upon the earth as judgment from God.
will lead His armies of saints and angels to defeat the antichrist at the
battle of Armageddon.
will be bound for a thousand years.
will set up His Kingdom and reign in Jerusalem as King of the whole earth for a
thousand years.
will be loosed for a short time to deceive the nations and gather them to a final
battle against Jesus the Messiah.
will intervene, bind and cast satan, his angels, death and hell along with all
whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life once and for all
eternity into the lake of fire which will burn forever and ever.
heavens and the earth will be consumed and utterly destroyed and the elements
will melt with a fervent heat and there will be no more sea. The earth will be
without form and void and darkness will cover the face of the deep.
will create a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. He and
His Son will live on the earth with man and there will be no more crying, pain,
sickness or death.
is eternity.
more shall we say to these things? In conclusion of these matters I am compelled
to call to mind the scripture which says:
Ecclesiastes 12
13 That’s the whole story.
Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is
everyone’s duty.
14 God will judge us for
everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.
Important Points
Do justly
Love mercy
Walk humbly
Obey God
Keep His commands