Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Uncommonly Clean


Without regard as to how much a person knows, how educated or experienced they may be, everyone is a candidate to learn something.

Deuteronomy 22:10 Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together.

Describe the many natural reasons why … (Oxen & Asses by Ron Hammonds)

Certainly there was also the issue of clean verses unclean. Those animals which God would and would not receive as sacrifice or people could eat.

God always knows best. During the early New Testament church period, no one in the world knew more about the Word, the Will and the Way of God in the earth than did the Apostle Peter. (Give Peter’s credentials)

Without regard as to how much a person knows, how educated or experienced they may be, Everyone is a candidate to learn something.

Acts 10 - Tell the account of Peter’s vision on a rooftop in Joppa, beginning at verse 9.

v. 13 “Rise Peter, kill and eat” … No! “Not so Lord”, I have never eaten anything common or unclean.

v.15 What God have cleansed, let no man call common

God is able to do that which no one else can do.

When God touches something, even something unacceptable, impure, unclean, it is forever changed.

Even within you … Even the donkeys of this world … even the smart ones!
When God cleanses you, you are uncommonly clean and should no longer see yourself as anything other than acceptable in His sight. This same acceptance should also be given to the other donkeys we meet in life!