Saturday, January 30, 2010

Myth Buster Series - The After Life!


So far this month we have proven that just because something has been reported on television, recorded in print, or repeated by credible witnesses, does not make it true. The things which we see on TV, read in print, and hear repeated by sincere people may not always be accurate.

Without regard to what is said and despite what we believe:

Nothing works quite as good as the truth.

For example, we have proven that:

1. Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola ingested together will not cause a person to explode.
2. One cannot make a camping lantern out of Mountain Dew, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
3. Cell phones do not generate enough microwaves to pop popcorn.
4. And that – Pennies are not a waste of time.

Furthermore, and much more importantly, we studied God’s Word together and found the truth that:

1. People do not go to heaven because they are good, but because they are born again. “You must be born again!”

2. Water Baptism, in and of itself, will not save a sinner. Water Baptism is for the Believer after they have repented and come to know Christ. Water Baptism becomes a grave for the old man and stops the pursuits of the enemies of your past. It is the point of identification with God as seen in the Water Baptism of Jesus by John in the Jordan River. The heavens were opened and God said, “This is My Beloved Son …”

3. The Holy Spirit is not dead! And, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a valid and powerful promise from God for Believers in every generation. Far too many people have made the Baptism of the Holy Spirit all about speaking in tongues when the Bible clearly declares that “You shall receive power to be a witness” when the Holy Spirit comes on you. A person does not have to speak in tongues to be saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Spirit and go to heaven … they don’t have to – they get to if they: 1) obey God, and 2) ask God to give them the Holy Spirit.

4. Money is not the root of all evil but rather, The Love of money is the root of all evil. God wants His children to have things but, He does not want things to have them. God demands to be first place in our lives, He will not be second. Greediness, selfishness, or our unwillingness to freely share what we have with others puts us in opposition to God’s plans for our life. God is a lover and a giver … He loves to give and, since we are His children, we should be like Him. God loves a happy giver!

Each week thus far we have attempted to prove, or disprove, a commonly held practical myth before tackling our spiritual myth for the day. So, our:

Practical Myth for Today:
You can hide underwater breathing only through a reed.

Watch this video clip … (1932 movie: “I’m a Fugitive From a Chain Gang”)

We have all seen this in movies and perhaps some of you have attempted it in a swimming pool. It seems reasonable, especially since so many people have snorkeled on vacation with the family at some point. So … what’s to lose by attempting to duplicate this myth right here today? All we are risking is Matthew, whom many of you don’t even know anyway. We have the baptismal tank all filled so without further ado, follow me!

(I will leave the platform, be handed the reed like PVC, and ascend the stairs to the baptistery where I will interact with Matt who will take the reed, and I will help him to lay on the bottom of the baptistery, approximately 3 ½ feet under water, by holding downward pressure on the reed. We will see how long he can breathe – not hold his breath, but breathe. Our goal is the approximate 1 minute plus shown on the video clip. After Matt’s attempt to breathe, suck in and breathe out, for at least 45 seconds to one minute, if possible, he will surface and give us his report.)

So, what do you think audience? Busted! Or not?

The laws of physics and anatomical capacity simply supersede the laws of Hollywood. Even if a person’s lungs were strong enough to draw air down that far under water, which they are not, the drawing in and blowing out of air would only make the same air travel up and down the reed like mercury in a thermometer. Reed capacity and lung capacity equaled, you would die!

There is not enough air in a person’s lungs to force the bad air out of the reed that long and allow the good air to be drawn back in. After a couple of attempts the buildup of carbon dioxide would trigger a panic in the person who is literally suffocating. And flailing, even in only 3 feet of water, is very noticeable to a dog and prison guard looking for an escapee.

A person may escape a lot of things but one thing a person can never escape is the truth … especially the eternal truth!

Just like a person cannot live in this world without air, a person cannot live in the next world without God.

Today we are talking about the afterlife. This brings us to our:

Spiritual Myth For Today:
The Doctrine of “Conditional Immortality”

Also known as the doctrine of “Soul Sleep”, which refers to the belief that upon death, the soul of a person enters into a deep sleep and knows nothing, but lies silent in the grave awaiting the final judgment until the coming of the Lord and the resurrection of the dead.

Many who believe in soul sleep also hold to the teaching of “Annihilation.” This is the belief that the souls of those who are not welcomed into heaven at the final judgment simply cease to exist, are snuffed out, or annihilated, if you will. (Eternal death instead of eternal torment – no eternal existence)

Present-day defenders of soul sleep include the Seventh Day Adventist church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Christadelphians to name a few.

It is interesting to note here that the early church fathers wrote in support of the immortality of the soul, whether saint or sinner, all who are born, are born to live forever either in eternal bliss or eternal torment.

Supporters of the doctrine of conditional immortality, or soul sleep, use various scriptures throughout the Bible to defend their claims. However, we must remember our platform for accurate interpretation of the scriptures.

1. No scripture tells its own story.
2. Scripture must be interpreted by scripture.
3. Every verse is meant to be understood in light of its contribution to the one story God is telling.

With this in mind let us see what the Bible has to say concerning life after death.

Luke 23:43 And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."

Without going too deep into what Jesus told one of the thieves who was crucified beside Him on Mount Calvary, suffice it to say that Jesus dispelled any notion that death holds a person’s soul like an inanimate object sleeping in the grave.

Acts 7:59 And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."

Furthermore, Stephen held the hope that upon his death, he would be received into heaven to be with God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son. He certainly had no thoughts of entering into thousands of years of soul sleep.
Also, in Luke 16, Jesus told His disciples a story about a rich man and a poor beggar who both died and went immediately to their after life experiences. I believe, as many other scholars do, that this story is a true account, not a parable, but an actual historical account of what had already happened. No matter the case, the point is well made by Jesus that there is simply no time for soul sleep nor is there any consideration of the future annihilation of the sinner’s soul. Let’s read:

Luke 16 NKJV
19 ¶ "There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.
20 "But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate,
21 "desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 "So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried.

23 "And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 "Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’

The story continues with many revelations concerning life during the time after death and before the final judgment. The fact that the rich man had eyes and was able to see, feel, consider his loved ones on earth and their futures … as well as, the reality of Lazarus in comfort, with recognizable features, with fingers capable of being dipped in the available water … these things all point to a measurable and cognizant existence for people after death who all await judgment day and the final disposition of their souls for eternity.

This, my friend is not soul sleep. The myth of conditional immortality and soul sleep is busted by simply believing the one story God is telling us all. This story can be summed up in only one sentence:

2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

Are you ready for your after life experience? You will have one – each day we all take one step closer to death, one step closer to the grave, one step closer to heaven or hell. Where will you spend eternity?

Make Jesus your Lord and go to heaven when you die!