Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Story of Creation


Tonight we are going to take an in depth and behind the scenes look at the story of creation. How God makes things, specifically how He puts people together into groups which, for lack of a better example, we will call families.

The revelation contained in this first story of the Bible unlocks truth which transcends both time and situations of life. As we peer beyond the veil into God’s greater wisdom, we will catch glimpses of many of the hidden principles of relationship, unity and the purpose of family.

Follow along with me beginning in Genesis 2 as I develop a solid scriptural platform upon which we can stand to see these amazing truths unfold. You will be challenged to embrace a new way of looking at the God ordained relationships in your life. I am not just talking about marriage relationships but also those necessary and God ordained relationships in business, community, work and church.

Along the way there will be several truths which I will not have time to develop tonight. Let me encourage you: when you hear a truth, which you recognize as a truth, and it sparks the capacity for revelation in your spirit, write it down, and don’t let it pass by without noting. Later, if I do not develop that thought or delve into that revelation as deeply as it speaks to you, study it out for yourself, meditate upon it, and let God guide you by His Holy Spirit into all truth.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The story of the creation of man first leads us to understand that each person is an individual, hand crafted by God, designed for His purpose. We all stand before God alone, and our primary relationship is with Him … He creates us and He sustains us.

Man was created on the sixth day so that man’s first day was the seventh day, God’s day of rest. God had everything in place to sustain man before God created him. God had a job for man to do but God also had things which only He could do. This tells us that there are some things God needs help with and there are some things that God does not need help with. God is the one Who determines which is which.

At any rate, with the creation of man from dust, God was on His way to building His dream, a family of man in the earth.

The period of time between Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 2:21 shows man working with and for God, developing a relationship with God and getting to know his place in God’s plan. God never intended for man to be alone, but gave this time to man so that we could understand that alone time with God is good and necessary to man’s natural and spiritual development.

However, after a season of time, man, as he usually does after being left alone for any length of time, got lonely and began to feel personally unfulfilled … unproductive … not reaching his potential, and perhaps discontent. This is both a natural and a spiritual phenomenon which can make us feel depressed, lonely and forgotten or motivate us to greater pursuits.

Let’s look at verse 18.

Genesis 2

18 ¶ And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

Adam was looking for companionship. The desire for companionship is a Godly motivation and there is an appropriate time and season in life when companionship is a necessary step to take you to the next level … whether the life of an individual, a business, or a church.

Notice in verse 18, God decided it was time to make Adam a ‘help meet’ for him, and then in verse 20 we find Adam searching for a ‘help meet’ for him. This is a picture of the process of a Godly man’s development of desire. First God wants something for us and then we begin to want it and search for it ourselves … sometimes even before God has had the time He needs to make it happen for us.

Often this in-between time, the time between God working His desires in our heart and mind, and Him orchestrating everything necessary to bring those desires to pass, man gets ahead of God and attempts to make things happen for himself. In the story of Adam it would have been disastrous for him to have married a cow, or a pig, or wild cat … it can still be just as disastrous for us today if we get ahead of God’s plan for our lives … not just in marriage, but in filling any necessary relationship position.

If we were to look more closely to what Adam was searching for and indeed what God wanted for Adam, and eventually gave him, we might understand this thing called relationship, and why God puts people together a little more clearly.

The Hebrew word which was translated ‘help meet’ here is the word:

Hebrew: Ezer = One who helps

The same word pronounced the same way also means something of value, specifically translated, Ezer also means – treasure. This again paints a picture for us to realize that when God gives us someone to help us where we evidently need help, these people are to be treated as a valuable treasure from God.

God builds family around a person. God always starts with an individual and builds a family, a business, a church, or a nation. God begins with one and adds one to that one to begin the process. It is the same way every person starts out, one cell, then two, then ultimately trillions until the whole person is formed according to God’s plan, each part added in place to help complete that plan.

Genesis 2

21 ¶ And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man.

Literally, God took a rib, a part of the structure of Adam’s makeup, which contained Adam’s DNA, and around the rib God fashioned a valuable helper for Adam. It takes someone with the same DNA to be of real, valuable help, likeminded, with capacity for unity & intimacy.

The deep sleep represents God taking complete control. God sets people in His family as it pleases Him and the relationships He ordains are most often beyond our control. We can mess it up but we cannot make it happen … only God can make it happen. The sleep here is a picture of man yielding to God choices for his life.

All of this is too much to dissect in one evening, however suffice it to say that God builds His family, His team, and His church by starting with one, then adding one to that one. Then those He joins begin to reproduce by the God given abilities each one of them bring to the relationship as they become one for the purposes of God. With this model the family structure is never compromised.

Genesis 2

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The story of creation is a story of God not just building family but building oneness, demanding unity before an individual’s potential can experience productivity. This is God’s design.

Adam recognized and embraced God’s plan for his life in this person God brought to him. As we said earlier, God literally takes a rib from man and around this rib fashions valuable help for us … such as the valuable relationships in life, our God blessed business and job pursuits, our God given place in the community and our God ordained church and ministry relationships.

We are designed to desire and search for God ordained relationships and are challenged to cleave to them as they help us fulfill our greatest purpose. God designed us to be connected to others in life … divinely connected and divinely productive.

Genesis 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Unity demands an intimacy and openness. It is a two way street. Both the man and his wife were naked and unashamed. Not every person you meet has the potential or the God given place to be brought to a level of spiritual intimacy which oneness demands. However, productivity will not be experienced by those who hold out or refuse to be open and accessible to the ones who carry the seeds of God’s will for their life. This is creation’s story.

You may note in chapter 3 that the devil never showed up until the potential for productivity was present. God demands unity, the devil hates it. We must always be on guard that the devil does not destroy our potential to be productive and reproduce God’s will.

So, in conclusion … look well to the relationships which carry the spark of life, those God ordained relationships. Whose rib were you formed around? Whose DNA do you carry? Is there a mutual openness and intimacy between you? Are you holding out? Who are you valuable to? Who are you designed by God to help? Where is your greatest potential? Become a member of God’s family.