Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Normal Christian Experience

The Normal Christian Experience


Key Scripture: Ephesians 5:1 ¶ Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children (NIV)

The Message: Ephesians 5:1 ¶ Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.

If we ever hope to get bible results then we must begin to do bible things.

The New Testament is not just a historical book filled with stories about the founder of Christianity and the early Christian experience.

The New Testament is a living manual, the Word of God testifying, giving instruction and concrete examples for living the Christian life.

What we see as ‘Normal Christianity’ may not actually be normal, but rather ‘Nominal Christianity’. (Existing in name only)

What has often, through the ages, been referred to as Radical Christianity’ is actually more normal than the nominal Christianity we see today.

Webster’s Dictionary, depending on which edition you choose, defines radical as:

* Going to the root

* Getting back to the origin

* Back to basics

It is not considered a radical idea that the offspring could be as strong, intelligent and capable as its parents.

However, it is considered a radical thought, even heresy by some, to suggest that the children of God could be like their Heavenly Father.

And yet, we are admonished, even commanded by God’s own word, to participate in the transformation process which is designed to change us into the image of His Dear Son.

Is it too much that God would desire us to be more like Him and less like the devil? The least we could do is try:

Try to be more like our older brother, Jesus:

* To love even our enemies

* To forgive those who have hurt us

* To have compassion on those who are lost and lonely

* To give some of our time, talent and treasury in efforts to help somebody else and not just ‘us and ours‘.

* To be a happy and participating part of His family, set into the church as it pleases Him.

Enough of my soap box … actually you folks in our church are doing really well but we could all do better. We have a good example -

Let’s look at the first family experience Christians were introduced to when God decided to form The Local Church.

Acts 2 (NLT)

42 ¶ They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord’s Supper and in prayer.

43 A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.

44 And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had.

45 They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need.

46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—

47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.

Here we see the bible example of The Normal Christian Experience

These Christians were obviously changed by their faith. They appear:

* Unreserved

> They were joiners! Not isolated - not self protecting.

> Some people want to have God, they just don’t want God to have them.

> Some people who are married want to have a husband or wife or family, they just don’t want family to have them.

> Some people want to have a great church, but don’t realize that In order to have a great church, a church has to have great people.

* Devoted (When is the last time you actually heard that word?)

> To learning & living the Word

> Building Christian Relationships

* Friendly

> Proverbs 18:24 ¶ A man who has friends must himself be friendly

> We really do reap what we sow.

* Reverent

> Respectful & Healthily Afraid Not To Be

> Psalms 111:10 Reverence for the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. The rewards of wisdom come to all who obey him. Praise his name forever! (NLT)

* Committed

> To God

> To Each Other

* Unselfish

* Charitable

* Disciplined

* Hospitable

* Joyful

* Generous

It is Normal Christianity to belong to a Local Church.

Normal Christianity has very little to do with how loud we shout, sing or pray in church.

Who we are when we think no one is watching, what we do when we believe no one will know, this is our true self.

Remember the 5 Laws of Life

1. What you say will be said

2. What you do will be found out

3. What you believe will be tested

4. What you compromise to keep you will lose

5. The journey is your friend

To become more like Christ will take our continued effort.

The person who does not want to be more like Jesus is most likely, in my pastoral opinion, not saved.

The person who wants to be but will not put forth the effort may be deceiving themselves, demonically influenced, carnally controlled or perhaps completely reprobate. If this is you, you should have yourself checked.

There is no one who truly wants to be and cannot become. Even though one may experience failures, disappointments and setbacks along the way, every person can grow to become a Normal Christian.

What happened to us and how we reacted to life yesterday can be blamed on anyone we want to blame - even Jesus who said that He would take the blame and bear our shame - but what we do with our tomorrows is squarely on our shoulders.

We can blame yesterday on anybody we want but tomorrow it’s on us.

Let’s decide to read the bible and live a Normal Christian life.