Sunday, September 5, 2004

Leaving And Cleaving

Leaving And Cleaving


One of the greatest challenges I face as a counselor is to get people to leave the bad old stuff in order to cleave to the good new stuff.

Those who won’t leave, can’t cleave.

Our future depends on what we do today.

Our text for today’s sermon will come from: Mark 10

My position in life and ministry affords me the tremendous opportunity to influence people.

This is a great responsibility which I do not take lightly.

A responsibility the bible says will bring me into greater judgment.

For that reason I have endeavored to be neither an alarmist nor an extremist. Nor do I affiliate myself with any particular political party or group ideology. I am a Christian, pledged & loyal only to Him.

Unlike the tee-shirt slogan I recently saw a protestor wearing on television at the RNC, I do not believe that ‘Jesus was a Liberal’. However, neither do I believe, as do many conservative Christians, that ‘Jesus is a Republican’.

We live in a wonderful country that allows, even demands, debate and protects freedom of speech. However, we serve a kingdom whose ruler is not elected and whose laws are not to be voted on or judged. A kingdom of principles, truth that will stand the tests of time.

A kingdom filled with men and women who, though in the world, are not of the world. We rise above the petty frays of feeble minded folk and dare not allow ourselves to drift in the winds of current trends or be used as political pawns to protect or protest human ideologies.

We are people of destiny, people with a vision, focused and determined, pledged to a greater cause. We are dedicated to and unafraid of the truth.

In light of my position and responsibility, hear me in this non partisan, non political statement of truth and judge it as you will.

There is no justification for terrorism, just as there is no justification for sin.

America’s sons and daughters will fight and win the war against terrorism. In this there is no choice.

The only choices facing you and I today are:

1. Will we take the fight to the terrorist and win this war in their back yard?

2. Will the terrorist bring the war to our back yard and fight with our children and grandchildren?

One more statement:

We will win the war against terrorism.

Terrorism is evil and therefore will be defeated.

First by prayer & then by action.

I cannot tell you who God would vote for in the upcoming election for President of the United States, however, I can tell you what God would do in the face of terrorists attacking His people: He would anoint a leader to advance and engage with all determination & would not hesitate or waiver until He saw His desire upon His enemies.

Now to the sermon for the day: While you are turning to Mark 10, let me read our key scripture for today.

Key Scripture: Matthew 6:24 "No-one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (NIV)

We will be looking at many of the same scriptures from last week.

Mark 10 (NIV)

28 Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!"

29 "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no-one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel

30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.

31 But many who are first will be last, and the last first."

I. The Principle Of Leaving and Cleaving

If we want to test a principle, we can often go back to the beginning and see where God first introduced the truth. This principle has its origin in the very beginning of creation as one of the first principles God revealed to man:

A. Genesis 2:24 Leave Parental Submission To Marry A Wife

1. Those who won’t leave, can’t cleave.

2. Two things cannot hold first place in our life

If we want our lives to count for something we must:

Find a cause worth dying for and attach our lives to it.

B. Key Scripture: Matthew 6:24 "No-one can serve two masters.

II. Mark 10:28 We Have Left Everything To Follow You!

A. We … who is we? Presumably

1. Peter & Andrew his brother

2. James & John his brother

3. The other disciples he chose to be Apostles

B. In the broader sense Peter means all Followers of Christ

III. Leaving To Cleave

A. Peter & Andrew left their livelihood - fishing

B. James & John their inheritance - a fishing fleet & employees

C. Matthew left his government job - a tax collector

D. The woman caught in adultery left her chosen profession

E. The woman at the well left her religious beliefs

F. People from all walks of life left

1. Their comfort

2. Their culture

3. Social Positions

4. Political Affiliations

5. Family

6. Friends

7. Familiar Ways of Life

G. The Young Rich Ruler would not leave the security of his money

1. He trusted more in earthly riches than heavenly relationship

2. What do you trust in?

3. Is there something keeping you from cleaving to Jesus?

What do you have to lay down for the Master?

What is standing in the way of you serving Christ?

The Apostle Paul said of his own achievements: Philippians 3

7 But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.

8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ

Jesus left His throne in glory for you, what expense is it for you to leave your throne for Him?

IV. A Simple Yet Effective Prayer

A. I want You to be first place in my life.

B. If there is any thing in Your place - reveal it to me.

C. I lay aside those things which conflict with Your Lordship

D. Remove from me those things which I cannot remove myself.