Sunday, May 23, 2004

Ancient Landmarks Of Life

Ancient Landmarks Of Life


Key Scripture: Proverbs 22:28 Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set. (NJKV)

Each day now for nearly 25 years, I have endeavored to read from the book of Proverbs.

* The Proverbs Daily Wisdom Plan

> Enough chapters for each day of the month

> Read Proverbs 1 on the 1st, 12 on the 12th and so on.

> Find one scripture or concept for meditation each day

> I have found that the wisdom I need is usually there

There are three sources of Godly wisdom that I have come to rely on.

* Pre-emptive Wisdom (Preventive Medicine For The Soul)

> Early Morning Catch (Pray - sleep - wake - listen)

> Daily Bible Reading (vary year to year)

> Church Services (A constant source of instruction)

When I counsel people, most often it is only a repeat of a recent sermon or exhortation during a service which they missed or were not attentive to.

I have benefited from paying close attention and even revisiting those words, scriptures and principles which seem to coincidentally confirm or support one another or speak to me a little deeper than normal.

“A Coincidence Is Often Just Something God Does Anonymously”

My Proverbs for today, being the 23rd of this month is, of course, from chapter 23.

Yesterday I read ahead, as I often do on Saturday, so that I could get some early wisdom for Sunday, which is the one day each week that I need great wisdom. Not just wisdom for my life, but wisdom for the individuals and families who make up the sheepfold over which the Lord has made me His under-shepherd.

I was more than a bit intrigued when I found that my attention was drawn to the same subject two chapters in a row, especially since this subject is mentioned less than 10 times total in the whole bible.

My Proverb for today is:

Proverbs 23:10 Do not remove the ancient landmark, Nor enter the fields of the fatherless; (same as Proverbs 22:28 almost)

Thus Today’s Sermon Title:

Ancient Landmarks

A landmark is basically a boundary line.

* This is the edge of your property.

* You can go this far, but no farther.

* This is the line that you cannot cross.

* It would be wrong to move, remove, disregard or cross over this line without permission

* A line which was established long ago by our forefathers.

* An Ancient Landmark.

Naturally this has to do with real estate boundaries.

Spiritually these ancient landmarks have more to do with boundaries of life, godliness and the Christian’s perspective and conduct.

These boundaries are well marked and well known.

* It is wrong to attempt to move, remove, disregard or cross over these lines.

* From the beginning of time, generation after generation have confirmed these landmarks.

In ancient times, these landmarks were piles or heaps of stones. Several stones laid upon one another used to establish a boundary line. These lines were law.

These landmarks were unmovable.

Let us now look at Three Ancient Landmarks Of Life

I. Our God (What about Our God constitutes a landmark?)

A. His Name

* Is Holy

* Is Above Every Other Name

* His last name is not damn

B. His Nature

* God Is Light

* God Is Life

* God Is Love

C. His Son - Jesus

Acts 4:12 "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

To cross over these lines is to be on foreign soil. Not our land.

II. Our Family (There are established family landmark stones)

A. The Landmark of Relationships

1. Our Parents

A long and prosperous life begins with respecting your parents.

2. Our Spouse

This person, if we are married, is our number one.

If not --- we have moved, removed, disregarded or crossed over a boundary line - an ancient landmark - and are treading on the devil’s ground.

3. Our Children

* We are not raising children, we are raising adults, and we only have their childhood years to get it done.

* Children are the priority of the home and life for the necessary period.

B. There Are Established Boundaries Dealing With Our Environment

1. Our Home - a nurturing, peaceful, grace filled safe haven

2. Our Work

* An honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.

3. Our World - whom we choose to associate with

C. Another Stone In The Landmark Of Our Family Deals With Our Pleasure & Stuff

1. Finances

* One reason we cannot buy what we want is because we bought what we wanted

* Pay our just and honest debts

2. Fruits of Labor Ecclesiastes 3:13

For a man to enjoy the fruit of his labor is a gift of God.

> enjoy things -- don’t love them!

> have things -- don’t let them have you!

III. Our Church (In order to understand Church, We Must Understand That …)

A. We Are God’s Family

B. We Are God’s Force

C. We Are The Bride Of Christ

There exists immoveable boundaries of life, understood from old.

In a time when God’s children, Israel, had rebelled against Him and had strayed from His guidelines, God sent them into captivity as punishment and judgment on their sinful lives.

They thought that they would never be allowed to return to the peace and prosperity of their promised land. They had sinned and God decided to punish them. They thought that they were finished.

However, this merciful, loving and gracious God, sent word to them by the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah told them how they could return to their former blessed lives.

It begins:

Jeremiah 31:21 "Set up signposts, Make landmarks; Set your heart toward the highway, The way in which you went. Turn back, O virgin of Israel, Turn back to these your cities.

Sounds just like the admonition from Jesus, given to the Apostle John for the church in Ephesus.

Revelation 2:5 "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.

If you have moved, removed or disregarded the ancient landmarks, somehow crossed over the boundary lines of life and godliness …

If you have allowed yourself to stray from the pathways of God in some area of life - perhaps concerning:

* Your God

* Your Family

* Your Church

> Your Relationships

> Your Home

> Your Work

> Your World

Good News!

God has made a way for us all -

We can Repent and Return to the God of our fathers.

We can Set Up Signposts

Make Landmarks

Set Our Hearts Toward The High Way

Come Back Home

Today is your day!

Hear this wisdom from God!

Do more than just hear, Act On It Now!