Stories of the Bible Series
The Story Of Creation
New King James Version Psalms 78:1-7 (Bring Up On Screen)
I. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
A. We are not told when that was
B. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) He was in the beginning with God. (3) All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
C. Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
1. God created these things for His Son
* A Family for His Son
* A Mother for His Son
* Brothers and Sisters for His Son
* A Bride for His Son
* A World to live in together
2. Colossians 1:17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
II. Genesis 1:2 The earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
A. Things We Do Not Know
1. How much time was there between verse one and verse two.
2. If the earth was created in its verse 2 condition or if it fell or deteriorated into this condition through some event that God did not choose to reveal to man at this time.
B. Things We Do Know
1. God is older than the bible
2. The Earth appears much older than Adam and Eve
* This is 2002
* Jesus was born about 2000 years ago
* David reigned as king about 3000 years ago
* Moses was born in Egypt about 3500 years ago
* The Children of Israel went into Egypt about 3900 years ago
* Jacob was born about 4000 years ago
* Abraham was born about 4200 years ago
* Noah survived the flood about 4500 years ago
* Adam was created by God about 6100 to 6200 years ago
Note: Those who desire, research a timeline from Adam to Abraham.
3. God decided to bring order, productivity and purpose to earth
* The earth was covered with water
* He hovered over the surface of the waters
Stories of The Bible Continued
Creation Continued
I. Genesis 1:3ff God Begins Creation (not of, but) Upon The Earth
A. The First Day - Light (v.3)
1. Called the light day
2. Called the darkness night
B. The Second Day - Firmament (Solid Supporting Expanse of Air)
1. Midst of waters (Middle)
2. Dividing, Separating Earthly Waters from Heavenly Waters
C. The Third Day - Dry Land and Seas Separated
1. The dry land to bring forth grass, herb and trees
2. Bearing seed in itself to reproduce after its kind
D. The Fourth Day - Two Great Lights and Stars
1. The greater light to rule the day
2. The lesser light to rule the night
3. Set the pattern for signs, seasons, days and years.
E. The Fifth Day - Every Living Land, Winged, And Sea Creature
1. God blessed them to be fruitful and multiply
2. After their kind
F. The Sixth Day - Mankind
1. In God’s likeness and image
2. Male and Female
3. Give them dominion over every living thing on earth
4. God blessed them
* Be fruitful and reproduce
* Fill the earth and subdue it (dominate and make serve)
* Take dominion over all living things on the earth
* Eat of the herbs and fruit of the earth
G. The Seventh Day - God Ended His Work and Rested
1. God blessed the seventh day
2. God sanctified the seventh day
II. Genesis 2 Continued
A. God recounts The Creation of Adam
1. Formed of the dust of the ground - Body
2. Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life - Spirit
3. Man became alive with a soul - Soul
B. God plants a garden Eastward in Eden (near Babylon in Iraq)
1. Planted pleasant, fruitful trees
* Tree of life in the middle
* Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
2. It did not rain but a river watered the garden
C. God puts man in the garden
1. To dress it (tend, till or work it)
2. To keep it (to guard, watch or keep charge over)
D. God Gives A Command To Adam
1. Eat free of every tree
2. Except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
3. In the day you eat of it, you will surely die
E. God Sees That Adam Is Lonely & Unproductive
1. Adam named the living creatures
2. No mate was found
F. God Creates Woman
1. He puts Adam into a deep sleep (God needs no help creating)
2. Takes a rib from Adam
3. Fashions a woman as a helper
4. Brings her to Adam
5. Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone … taken out of man
a. leave & cleave
b. two shall be one flesh
c. naked and unashamed
III. Adam and Eve Disobey God!
A. The Deceptive Serpent
1. Subtle
2. Shrewd, Sly & Crafty
B. “Hath God Said?”
1. Subtle Conversations which question God
A. His word
B. His will
C. His way
D. His character
2. The serpent already knew what God had said
3. Eve knew the word & will of God
4. The serpent implied that what God said was not true
5. The serpent added truth to lies to touch the heart
A. the classic deceptive ploy
B. entice with partial truths
C. Adam & Eve Ate of the Forbidden Fruit - Sin
Note: All disobedience to God is sin.
1. Their eyes were opened
2. They knew they were naked
3. They covered themselves
IV. Adam & Eve Hide From The Presence of God
A. “I was afraid because I was naked”
B. Did someone tell you or did you eat of the forbidden fruit
C. Sin-filled Accusations
1. Adam blamed the woman and God
2. Eve blamed the serpent
D. God Gives Command
1. The serpent - Because you have done this thing
2. The woman - multiplied sorrow & conception
3. Adam - Because you have obeyed the voice of your wife
A. cursed is the ground
B. thorns & thistles
C. sweat and toil to eat
D. return to dust
V. God Pays For & Covers Man’s Sin
A. God made coats of skins and covered Adam & Eve
B. Where did the skins come from?
C. A Blood sacrifice for sin
VI. Man Is Removed From The Garden of Eden
A. Because they have become as one of us
1. Knowing good and evil
2. What if they eat of the tree of life and live forever like this
B. He drove man out of the garden
C. God placed Cherubims and a flaming sword at the east entrance
1. The sword turned every way
2. To guard the way of the tree of life.
VII. Adam and Eve begin to have children
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Timeline | |||||
Genesis 5 | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Name | Year Born | Age | Son | Age @ Death | Yr. Died |
| | | | | |
God | Eternal | | Adam | God is life | |
Adam | 0 | 130 | Seth | 930 | 930 |
Seth | 130 | 105 | Enos | 912 | 1042 |
Enos | 235 | 90 | Cainan | 905 | 1140 |
Cainan | 325 | 70 | Mahalaleel | 910 | 1235 |
Mahalaleel | 395 | 65 | Jared | 895 | 1290 |
Jared | 460 | 162 | Enoch | 962 | 1422 |
Enoch* | 622 | 65 | Methuselah | 365 | 987 |
Methuselah | 687 | 187 | Lamech | 969 | 1656 |
Lamech | 874 | 182 | Noah | 777 | 1651 |
Noah | 1056 | 500 | H/S/J | 950 | 2006 |
The Treasury of Scripture Knowldege, (TSK), notes for Genesis 6:1 correlates the year A.M. 1556 with B.C. 2448. This is the year Noah was told to build the ark.
*Gen 5:24 Enoch did not die but was translated to heaven.
Genesis 7:11 Noah entered the ark in the 600th year of his life which was 1656 years after God created Adam.
Genesis 11:10 picks back up with the timeline.
Shem | 1558 | 100 | Arphaxad | 600 | 2158 |
Arphaxad | 1658 | 35 | Salah | 438 | 2096 |
Salah | 1693 | 30 | Eber | 433 | 2126 |
Eber | 1723 | 34 | Peleg | 464 | 2187 |
Peleg | 1757 | 30 | Reu | 239 | 1996 |
Reu | 1787 | 32 | Serug | 239 | 2026 |
Serug | 1819 | 30 | Nahor | 230 | 2049 |
Nahor | 1849 | 29 | Terah | 148 | 1997 |
Terah | 1878 | 70 | Abram | 205 | 2083 |
Abram | 1948 | 100 | Isaac | 175 (21:5) | 2188 |
Isaac | 2048 | 60 | Jacob/Esau | 180 (25/35) | 2228 |
Jacob | 2108 | 90 | Joseph | 147 (47) | 2255 |
Joseph | 2198 | ? | Eph/Man | 110 (50) | 2308 |
Interesting Facts
Genesis 16:16 Abraham was 86 years old when Ishmael was born: 2034.
Abraham was 201 when Shem died!
Gen 12:4 Abraham was 75 when he left Haran: 2023.
Gen 17:24 Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised: 2047.
This is the same year that Sodom & Gomorrah was destroyed!
Gen 17:17 Sarah was 90 when Abraham was 100 yrs old.
Gen 23:1 Sarah was 127 when she died: 2085 (born in 1958).
Gen 25:20 Isaac was 40 when he married Rebekah: 2088.
Gen 47:9 Jacob was 130 when he took 70 of his descendants, know as the household of Israel, into Egypt in the year 2029.
The children were to stay in bondage in Egypt for 430 years or until 2459.
Moses was 80 years old when the children of Israel came out of Egypt, so he was born in the year 2379.
Deut 34:7 Moses lived to be 120 yrs old, so he died in 2499.
Joshua 14:7-10 Caleb was 40 yrs old at Kadesh Barnea: 2459/60. and he was 85 when he took Hebron for an inheritance from God in 2504/05. So conquering the land of Canaan lasted about 5 years up to that time.
(numbers in parenthesis indicate reference chapter #s in Genesis)