Wednesday, March 20, 2002

A Study Of The Miraculous - Part VIII

A Study Of The Miraculous – Part VIII


Read: 2 Kings 4:1-7 This woman had real problems and needed a miracle. It would have been insane for her to have continued any longer without help.

* Insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results.

* She needed a new perspective. Most likely she had been doing all she knew and all she could - but this time, it was not enough. She needed help in fixing her problem.


* First decide what it is that you want to accomplish … verbalize it or write it down. (WHAT DO YOU WANT TO RESULT)

* Next take a good look at what you need to do to achieve the desired results.

* If it is not working, consider that you may be wrong and get the counsel of a true counselor, not just the support of a friend who may only encourage you to continue with what you have been doing that is evidently not working. (STUBBORNESS IS YOUR ENEMY - not your friend)

> do not just stick to your plan or what you have decided or declared

> why not do what will get the results you want

> God does not withhold good things from you (Psalms 84:11)

> Your own sins (errors) and your own iniquities withhold good things from you (Jeremiah 5:25)

> 1Samuel 15:23 Stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry … it will withhold from us when we exalt our own way as though it was God. Remember Sunday: “you may be loosing it if you pray … “take this cup from me … it can’t be your will” …”

* It may be bad now but trust me, you can make it worse.

* at any rate, this widow’s sons obeyed her and followed her instructions and lead.

* and she poured out.

* In verse 5 we have seen Elisha’s strategy unfolding in the life of this widow.

1. She was motivated to depend on God and not the arm of man … “she went from Elisha.”

2. She offered what she had to God for His touch

3. She was obedient and followed the prescribed course of action required of her.

* Now her miracle is pouring out from heaven into the earthly realm.

> The miracle is not coming from the jar of oil

> The miracle is coming from heaven through this widow.

> She is pouring out of her faith and faithfulness.

* You see:

* Crying will deliver you (Exodus 3:7-8 & Psalms 40:1)

* It takes faith and faithfulness to enter into the promises (Num 14:1)

* This woman is going beyond her deliverance into the promise of abundance and prosperity and wealth and blessings because she did more than just cry out … she had faith in God and faithfulness to act in faith toward God.